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– In order to submit a film, you must own the rights or have permission from the owner.
– Multiple submissions and multiple category submissions are accepted.

– Films can be submitted in multiple categories in order to become a multi-award film. Any foreign film that is not in English must have English subtitles.
– All fees are non-refundable.
– Not all the submissions are selected for the official competition and it is up to the discretion of our Judges to make the decisions.
– A submission can be disqualified if some content is considered inappropriate, for example pornography or depiction of abuse of people or animals.
– By submitting your movie, you authorize us to use, distribute and share the film, poster, trailer, synopsis and movie stills in our social media, online and during the festival.
– – All short films must be less than 20 minutes, all feature films must be less than 100 minutes.
- The festival reserves the right to change the event’s date and the date of the deadline for submissions.
- Submissions cannot be withdrawn after the official selection announcement of each round.
- The filmmaker has liability for any claims that may occur in result of screening the film either live or online.